10 Steps To Control Your Anger

Producer:  Nishad T

Recognise the early signs

Often, people experience physical sensations like a racing heart, tense muscles, or rapid breathing when anger is rising.

Cognitive restructuring

Criticising or placing blame might only increase tension. Instead, use the “I” statements to describe the problem.

Effective communication

Expressing your feelings assertively, rather than aggressively, can help you convey your needs without escalating the situation.


Physical activities might help to cool down the anger. Doing yoga or meditation might help with it.

Take a timeout

Reading a book, listening to soothing music or even going out for a walk might help you to divert your attention from the rage that is building.

Engage in Problem-Solving

Engaging in problem-solving can shift your focus from the anger itself to finding constructive solutions.

Use Humour

Finding the lighter side of a situation or using humour to defuse tension can help shift your emotional state.

Establish Healthy Boundaries

Clear boundaries help prevent feelings of being overwhelmed or taken advantage of, which can trigger anger.

Implement Relaxation Rituals

Creating and sticking to relaxation rituals can provide a routine way to manage stress and anger.