10 Things You Should Never Keep in Your Bedroom As Per Vastu

By Archisha Yadav | September 18, 2024

According to Vastu, mirrors facing the bed can cause restlessness and bad dreams, disturbing your sleep and peace of mind.

Image: Canva

Mirrors Facing the Bed

Thorny plants like cacti should not be placed in the bedroom. They symbolise conflict and can create tension in relationships.

Image: Canva

Thorny Plants

Aquariums or water fountains are not ideal for the bedroom, as they can cause emotional instability and financial issues.

Image: Canva

Water Elements

A non-functioning clock represents stagnation in life and can hinder progress. It’s best to remove broken clocks from the room.

Image: Canva

Broken Clocks

Keeping shoes or sandals under your bed may disturb your sleep. According to Vastu, objects stored here can negatively affect your sleep patterns and cause restlessness.

Image: Canva

Shoes Under the Bed

Avoid overly dull or sharp colours for your bedroom walls. Instead, use light colours like soft green, blue, or lilac to maintain peace and harmony.

Image: Canva

Dull Colours

Dead or dying plants in the bedroom are considered unlucky. They symbolise stagnant energy and can attract negativity, disrupting the room's peaceful vibe.

Image: Canva

Dead Plants

Clutter or unnecessary items in the bedroom create chaos and stress. It obstructs positive energy flow, leading to mental and emotional discomfort.

Image: Canva

Clutter and Junk

Avoid placing bookshelves in the North-East corner of the bedroom. According to Vastu, this can lead to negative outcomes and disturb the room's energy flow.

Image: Canva

Book Shelf in North-East

Dark furniture can lower the energy in your bedroom, creating a gloomy atmosphere. Opt for lighter furniture to encourage a more positive environment.

Image: Canva

Dark-Coloured Furniture