Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

10 Tips For Instant Migraine Relief 

Dim the lights and rest for some time quietly. Bright lights and loud noises can worsen migraines.

Low Light and Quiet Space

Place an ice or cold-water pack on your forehead or the back of your neck for 15 mins to help reduce inflammation and numb the pain.

Apply Cold Pack

For tension headache, use a heating pad on neck or head. For sinus headache, apply a warm cloth to the painful area or take a warm shower.

Heating Pad or Hot Compress

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, as dehydration can trigger migraines.

Stay Hydrated

A small amount of caffeine (like in a cup of coffee) may help alleviate migraine symptoms for some people. However, excessive caffeine intake can also trigger migraines.


Some people find relief from migraines by consuming ginger, either as a tea or in capsule form. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain.


Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help ease tension and stress.

Relaxation Techniques

Loosen up tight ponytails, remove hats, headbands, or goggles, as they can trigger compression headaches due to external pressure on the head.

Ease Pressure on Your Scalp or Head

Gentle pressure on certain pressure points, can sometimes provide relief. You can try massaging these points with your fingers.

Try Massage

Chewing gum, nails, and grinding teeth can cause head and jaw pain. Avoid sticky foods and consider a mouth guard for teeth grinding.

Try to Avoid Chewing