10 tips for safer driving every driver should know


Published Sept 16, 2024

Driving responsibly is crucial for road safety. Discover 10 essential tips for safe driving, including the importance of avoiding distractions, understanding other drivers, and parking responsibly.

Prioritise safety

Safety should always be a driver's primary concern. Ensure the safety of passengers, other road users, and pedestrians by adhering to driving laws and staying alert.

Anticipate others’ behaviour

Safe driving involves anticipating other drivers' actions. Developing this awareness takes time, experience, and patience, and it can prevent accidents.

Never drink and drive

Alcohol impairs judgement and reaction time. Even small amounts can affect your driving ability, making it essential to avoid drinking before driving.

Avoid driving while tired

Fatigue leads to slower reaction times and poor decision-making. Take breaks regularly, especially on long trips, and avoid driving beyond your comfort zone.

Minimise distractions

Using phones or adjusting apps while driving divides attention. Set up devices before your journey and avoid distractions to keep your focus on the road.

Be courteous on the road

Patience and politeness help maintain smooth traffic flow. Allow pedestrians to cross safely and avoid blocking crossings and junctions, even when in a hurry.

Park responsibly

Parking in a way that blocks pedestrian or cyclist paths is inconsiderate. Make sure your parking doesn’t obstruct others and promotes a smooth journey's end.

Limit unnecessary honking

Honking should be for safety, not frustration or greetings. Excessive noise disturbs others and contributes to road stress, so use the horn only when essential.

Use headlights correctly

High beams are for low-visibility areas. Inappropriately using them in traffic can blind others, causing accidents. Reserve them for rural or poorly lit roads.

Know your vehicle’s controls

Understanding your vehicle's functions, like fog lights and hazard signals, is key. Mastering them ensures safer driving, especially in emergencies.