Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

10 Tips to Grow Ginger at Home

 Purchase a root that’s firm and comes with several visible buds.

Cut the root into chunks, each chunk having one bud at least. 

After 3-4 days, plant the chunk into well-draining soil in a clay pot.

Ginger loves sunlight. So, place the pot where it gets 2-5 hours of sunshine everyday.

Make sure the soil is moist but not overwatered.

After sprouts start to appear, fertilize the soil every 2 weeks.

Ginger takes around 3-8 weeks to break through the surface of the soil.

You can harvest your ginger plant once the shoots and leaves dry out.

You can leave out a few buds to replant.

Apply the same process to plant your next lot of home-grown ginger.