10 tips to keep your weight in check during holiday season

Are you amongst the one who just eat and watch TV during festive holidays? Instead, choose to engage in physical activities with your family. Even a small walk will be beneficial for managing weight.

Be active

Avoid mindless snacking by keeping treats out of sight. Opt for real, filling snacks like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to curb unnecessary munching.

Snack wisely

Control portion sizes, especially during holiday feasts, to prevent overloading your plate. Use smaller plates and read food labels for appropriate serving sizes.

Watch your portion sizes

Eat without distractions to recognise fullness signals and prevent overeating. Chew slowly, take deep breaths before meals, and be present to avoid weight gain during holiday rush.

Practice mindful eating

Prioritise sleep to avoid increased hunger, higher calorie intake, and reduced metabolism. Inadequate sleep may disrupt your circadian rhythm, affecting overall bodily functions.

Get plenty of sleep

Manage stress to avoid cortisol spikes linked to weight gain and junk food cravings. Incorporate stress-reducing techniques like exercise, meditation, and deep breathing during busy holiday seasons.

Control your stress levels

Include protein in every meal to promote fullness and aid weight maintenance. Protein boosts metabolism and reduces appetite, contributing to effective weight control.

Keep meals balanced with protein

Incorporate fibre-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Dietary fibre reduces calorie intake, aiding in weight management over the holiday season.

Focus on fibre

Minimise calorie intake by avoiding excessive taste-testing while cooking. Ensure you're not hungry while preparing meals to prevent overindulgence in calorie-rich bites.

Cut back on taste-testing

Control your food choices at parties by bringing a healthy dish to share. Ensure there's a nutritious option aligned with your weight goals amidst tempting holiday spreads.

Bring a healthy dish to share