10 tips to shave correctly

Shave with a clean, relatively new razor. After five to seven shaves, replace the blades or discard the used razor. If you frequently get ingrown hairs or razor burns, consider using an electric shaver for a more gentle shave.

Use a razor with a sharp blade

To prepare your skin, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Shaving dry skin increases the risk of cuts and ingrown hairs. Ideally, shave immediately after a shower while your skin is soft and wet.

Wash your face

To avoid breakouts or irritation, use a shaving gel or cream formulated for sensitive skin. Allow the cream to sit for about two to three minutes to soften and condition your face. 

Apply shaving gel or cream

To avoid irritation, dermatologists typically recommend shaving in the direction of hair growth. If you want a closer, smoother shave, try shaving against the grain.

Shave in the direction of hair growth

Exfoliate your skin a day before shaving to remove dead skin cells and lift ingrown hairs. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliating brush to avoid clogged pores and improve razor glide.

Exfoliate before shaving

Stretch your skin while shaving. This creates a smoother surface for the razor. Stretching also lowers the risk of nicks and uneven cuts.

Stretch your skin while shaving

Avoid excessive pressure and let the razor's weight do the work. Applying too much pressure can cause cuts and irritation. Light, controlled strokes are more efficient and safer.

Rinse the razor

After shaving, rinse your face with cold water to close the pores and soothe the skin. Apply an alcohol-free aftershave or moisturiser to prevent dryness and redness.

Post shave care

Shave gently around sensitive areas, such as the neck, jawline, and under the nose. These areas are susceptible to irritation and cuts.

Be gentle around sensitive skin

Never use dull blades. They can cause tugging, irritation, and ingrown hairs. Replace the blade if it loses its sharpness.

Replace Blades Regularly

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