Producer:  Peuli Bakshi Editor: Mohit Bisht

10 Tips To Water Your Houseplants With Rainwater

Collect Rainwater: Set up a rain barrel or collect rainwater in containers. Ensure the containers are clean to avoid contamination.

Filter Debris: Use a fine mesh or a filter to remove leaves, debris, and insects from the collected rainwater.

Store Properly: Store the rainwater in clean containers with lids, to prevent evaporation and contamination through mosquito breeding, algae growth, etc.

Let It Settle: Allow the collected rainwater to sit for 24 hours. This helps settle any sediment and allows chlorine, if present, to dissipate.

Avoid Roof Runoff: Don't collect the initial runoff from your roof, as it may contain contaminants. Wait until the rain has washed the roof clean.

Use on Suitable Plants: Some plants are more sensitive to rainwater's pH and mineral content. Research which of your houseplants are most compatible.

Dilute with Tap Water: If your rainwater is very soft, it may lack minerals. Consider diluting it with tap water to provide necessary nutrients.

Avoid Overwatering: Use rainwater as part of your regular watering routine but be mindful not to overwater your plants.

Watering Can with Filter: Use a watering can with a fine filter to prevent sediment from reaching the plant's soil.

Monitor Plant Health: Keep an eye on your plants for signs of distress. If they start showing problems, consider adjusting your watering method.