August 13, 2024

Saurav Pandey

10 Unbelievable Items Passengers Tried to Smuggle on Flights

A Live Chicken

Yes, you read that right. Someone tried to smuggle a live chicken onto a plane, presumably as a pet or a meal.

Image Source: Canva

A Dead Shark

This one takes the cake for sheer audacity. A passenger tried to board a flight with a deceased shark.

Image Source: Canva

A Grenade (Replica)

Even replicas of dangerous items are prohibited. Someone tried to bring a grenade look-alike on board.

Image Source: Canva

A Chainsaw

Power tools and airplanes don't mix. Yet, someone attempted to bring a chainsaw as carry-on luggage.

Image Source: Canva

A Hobby Rocket

This one is just plain puzzling. Why someone would try to bring a hobby rocket on a plane is anyone's guess.

Image Source: Canva

Egyptian Mummy Parts

Believe it or not, someone tried to smuggle parts of a mummy in a speaker.

Image Source: Canva

Cocaine Hidden in Fried Fish

This is a classic example of thinking you're smarter than the authorities.

Image Source: Canva

A Gun Hidden in a Raw Chicken

Another creative (and illegal) attempt at smuggling a weapon.

Image Source: Canva

Live Pigeons

Some people just want to bring their feathered friends along for the ride.

Image Source: Canva

A Sedated Tiger Cub

This is probably the most dangerous item on the list. A sedated tiger cub was once confiscated at an airport.

Image Source: Canva