10 Unexpected Jobs That Will Boom in the Age of AI



May 31, 2024

AI Integration Specialist

These tech-savvy professionals help businesses smoothly use AI systems in their day-to-day tasks, making sure they're easy to use and bring benefits.

Source: Canva

AI Trainer and Operator

With AI getting more advanced, there's a need for people to train and maintain these systems. Trainers prepare the data, while operators keep an eye on them and make adjustments as needed.

Source: Canva

AI Bias Auditor

AI systems are only as good as the data they learn from. Bias auditors make sure AI is fair and ethical by identifying and fixing any biases in how it's developed and used.

Source: Canva

Human-AI Collaboration Specialist

In the future, people will work closely with AI tools. These specialists help folks understand and effectively use these tools in their work.

Source: Canva

AI Cyber Security Specialist

As AI gets smarter, so do hackers. These specialists protect AI systems from cyberattacks and make sure they're used safely.

Source: Canva

AI Content Moderator

With more content being generated by AI, moderators are needed to ensure it's up to quality and safety standards, especially for sensitive topics.

Source: Canva

AI-powered Design Consultant

AI can help with design tasks like graphics, products, and fashion. Consultants assist clients in using AI tools for creative projects.

Source: Canva

AI-assisted Customer Service Specialist

AI chatbots handle simple customer inquiries, leaving human specialists to deal with more complex issues. This role combines human empathy with AI efficiency.

Source: Canva

AI-powered Wellness Coach

AI analyzes data to give personalized advice on fitness, nutrition, and mental health. Coaches use AI tools to make tailored wellness plans.

Source: Canva

Explainable AI (XAI) Developer

As AI gets more complicated, it's important to understand how it makes decisions. XAI developers create tools that make AI's reasoning process clear and easy to understand.

Source: Canva