10 Unique Gift Ideas for Your Valentine

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

Plan a special evening replicating your first date, reliving the memories and sparking new ones.

Show your love by supporting a cause they’re passionate about, making a meaningful difference together.

Write and perform a song or poem expressing your love for a truly unique and heartfelt gift.

Create a photo album showcasing your most cherished moments together, capturing the love in each kiss.

Create a personalized puzzle revealing your proposal message, making it a fun and memorable experience.

Plan a weekend trip to a secluded cabin or charming town.

Offer a cozy and comforting weighted blanket for a relaxing hug-like experience.

Plant a tree that symbolizes your love and watch it grow together as a reminder of your promises.

Gift them a star named after them and register it officially, symbolizing your promise to always shine bright for them.

Spoil them with a weekly or monthly delivery of fresh roses throughout the year.