10 vegetables that are secretly increasing your weight

Often enjoyed as fries or loaded mashed potatoes, white potatoes can contribute to weight gain due to their starchy nature and high calorie content.

White Potatoes

Despite being a popular alternative, sweet potatoes, rich in calories and carbohydrates, may lead to weight gain if consumed in excess.

Sweet Potatoes

Yams are calorie-dense, potentially contributing to weight gain when overeaten due to their high calorie and sugar content.


Despite their healthy image, excessive consumption of carrots, high in sugar (sucrose), may contribute to weight gain.


Low in fibre, cucumbers may not provide prolonged satiety, potentially leading to increased snacking, contributing to weight gain.


High in carbohydrates and sugar, beets can cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels, potentially stimulating fat storage and contributing to weight gain.


Fried vegetables, although tasty, can lead to weight gain due to the trans fats in the cooking oils.

Fried Vegetables

While nutrient-rich, peas are high in carbohydrates and calories. Portion control is crucial, similar to other carbohydrate-rich foods, to manage calorie intake.


Eliminating corn from the diet is recommended for weight loss, as its sweetness indicates a high sugar content, impacting hormones and signalling the body to store calories as fat.


Despite being low in sugar, certain pumpkin recipes can be high in calories, affecting weight.
