10 Warning Signs Your Child Might Be Struggling in School 


May 21, 2024

Falling Grade

A sudden drop in grades or consistently lower marks than usual can indicate academic challenges.

Source: Canva

Difficulty with Homework

Does your child struggle to understand assignments, take a long time to finish them, or avoid them altogether?

Source: Canva

Loss of Interest

Is your child once enthusiastic about schoolwork now withdrawn or lacking curiosity?

Source: Canva

Behavioural Issues

 Watch for increased frustration, fidgeting, or acting out in class.

Source: Canva

Social Withdrawal

Is your child becoming more isolated or withdrawn from peers?

Source: Canva

Avoiding School Talk

Does your child clam up or change the subject when you ask about their day?

Source: Canva

Frequent Complaints

Pay attention to physical complaints of headaches or stomachaches on school days.

Source: Canva

Low Confidence

Is your child expressing feelings of inadequacy or a dislike of themselves as a learner?

Source: Canva

Trouble Concentrating

Does your child get easily distracted or have difficulty focusing on tasks?

Source: Canva

Teacher Feedback

If a teacher expresses concerns about your child's progress, take it seriously.

Source: Canva