10 Ways Mirrors Can Boost Your Luck

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

Mirrors and glass showpieces should always be placed on the northern or eastern walls.


Mirrors should not be kept in the kitchen, especially if the gas stove or the cooking area is getting reflected.


Place the mirror at least 4-5 feet off the ground. The mirror should never lean against the wall and should always be flat.


The mirror’s frame must be made of wood rather than metal.


Keep them away from your study table because they can detract from your attention and increase your workload.


It is essential to clean your mirror on a daily basis so that it always reflects a clean image of you.


Place a mirror opposite a cash locker if you own a business and have one at your workplace. This is said to attract wealth and double your financial standing. A mirror can also be place inside a locker.


In a work environment, place mirrors only in areas where there is a water element which should be only in the north, north east or the north west.


If you own a garment, jewellery, or watch store and it has been extended recently, make sure you never put a mirror on the part from where it has been extended. This, according to Vastu, will result in inequity and negative energy.


You may have noticed that when you enter some stores, there are mirrors on both sides. That is because, according to Vastu, it creates the illusion of a large number of customers and, as a result, attracts more business.