10 ways to attract birds to your balcony

Provide Food Place bird feeders or bird tables on your balcony, filled with various bird seeds, nuts, and fruits. Different birds prefer different foods, so providing a variety can attract a wide range of species.

Offer Water Birds need water to drink and bathe. Install a birdbath or a shallow dish full of clean water. To avoid stagnation, keep the water fresh and changed on a regular basis.

Create Shelter Provide a place for birds to rest and seek refuge. You can include birdhouses or nest boxes designed for specific bird species. Ensure that these shelters are securely placed and predator-proof.

Plant Bird-Friendly Plants Include plants with bird-friendly flowers, fruits, and foliage. Native plants are often preferred because they are well-adapted to the local bird species. Sunflowers, coneflowers, shrubs that produce berries, and flowering vines are some examples.

Bright Colours   Birds are often drawn to vibrant colours. Hang ribbons in bright colours, such as red and yellow. 

Minimise Noise and Disturbance Birds are highly sensitive to noise and disturbances. Maintain low noise levels and avoid sudden movements that may startle them. Place feeders and water sources in quieter areas of your balcony.

Provide Perches Birds prefer to perch and observe their surroundings. Place branches or small perches near feeders and water sources to provide a comfortable resting and eating area.

Plants and foliage Use plants that birds can perch on, hide in, or use for shade. Consider honeysuckle, ivy, winter berry plants, sunflowers, and shrubs with branches. Add greenery to your balcony to make it more bird-friendly. 

 Keep predators away Cats are one of the biggest threats to birds, if you have a pet reconsider attracting birds to your garden. 

Be Patient It may take some time for birds to discover and trust your balcony as a safe feeding and resting spot. Be patient and consistent with your efforts, and eventually, you'll start seeing more feathered visitors.

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