
10 ways to identify  AI-generated images

By: Shaurya Shubham

Date: September 4, 2024

AI-generated images often create faces with unnatural symmetry. In real life, human faces have slight asymmetries, so if you notice a face that appears overly symmetrical, it could be AI-generated.

Examine facial symmetry

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI can sometimes omit or add elements inappropriately. For example, a person might have an extra finger or a hand with fewer fingers than usual.

Check for extras

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI-generated images may have inconsistent lighting or shadows that don't align with the light source. If shadows fall in multiple directions or appear in unnatural places, the image might be AI-generated.

Analyze Lighting and Shadows

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI can struggle with details. Pay attention to things like texture of skin, hair, or fabric. If the skin is too smooth or has some unnatural looking texture and finish, then the AI can be AI-generated.

Look for unrealistic details

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI-generated images can contain objects that defy gravity or intersect in impossible ways. For example, you might see objects floating in the air or overlapping in a way that does not make sense.

Find illogical things

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI sometimes creates repetitive patterns in areas like backgrounds, brickwork, or foliage. Unlike natural patterns, these AI-generated patterns can lack variation and look too uniform.

Spot repetitive patterns

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI-generated faces may have eyes, eyebrows, or lips that appear too perfect, almost as if they’ve been mirrored. Real human features usually have subtle differences that make them unique.

Observe facial features

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI often generates hair that appears too smooth or lacks the natural messiness of real hair. Similarly, skin may look too flawless, without the normal imperfections and texture found in real-life images.

Focus on hair and skin details

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI can create body shapes that look unnatural, such as limbs that are too long or short, or bodies that are disproportionate. These anomalies can indicate the image was AI-generated.

Watch for unrealistic body shapes

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)

AI usually find it hard to generate texts in an image correctly. It usually makes some mistakes or at times it creates a text that’s gibberish, misspelled or doesn’t align properly.  It is a strong indication that the image might be AI-generated.

Check for text and symbol mistakes

Picture credit: Copilot (AI-generated)