10 Ways To Use Tulsi Leaves to Boost Immunity

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Tulsi Tea: Steep tulsi leaves in hot water for a soothing, immunity-boosting tea.

Chew Fresh Leaves: Eat a few fresh tulsi leaves daily for their natural health benefits.

Tulsi Extract: Consider tulsi extract supplements for a concentrated immunity boost

Tulsi Face Mask: Make a paste with crushed leaves for a skin-nourishing face mask

Tulsi Steam: Inhale steam infused with tulsi leaves to clear respiratory passages.

Tulsi Hair Rinse: Boil tulsi leaves to make a hair rinse that promotes scalp health.

Tulsi-infused Oil: Prepare oil infused with tulsi for a soothing massage.

Tulsi Inhalation: Add tulsi leaves to hot water and inhale the vapor to ease congestion.