12 Unique Words You've Never Heard and Their Meanings

By Rajni Pandey | June 30, 2024


The pleasant, earthy smell after it rains is called petrichor. Eg: After the long drought, the petrichor filled the air, refreshing everyone.

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Zugzwang is a situation in which the obligation to make a move in one's turn is a serious disadvantage. Eg: In chess, he was in a zugzwang, where any move worsened his position.

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Limerence is the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically involuntarily. Eg: His limerence for her was clear in his constant thoughts of her.

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Ephemeral means something that lasts for a very short time. Eg: The beauty of the ephemeral flowers was captured in her paintings.

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Sillage is the degree to which a perfume’s fragrance lingers in the air when worn. Eg: Her perfume had a lovely sillage that left a lasting impression.

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Sonder is the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own. Eg: In the café, he felt a profound sense of sonder, pondering the lives around him.

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Clinomania is an excessive desire to stay in bed. Eg: On cold mornings, her clinomania made it hard to leave her warm bed.

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Fika is a moment to slow down and appreciate the good things in life, often with coffee and pastries, in Swedish culture. Eg: They took a fika break, enjoying coffee and conversation.

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Eunoia means beautiful thinking; a state of normal mental health. Eg: Her eunoia showed in her positive outlook on life.

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Pogonotrophy is the act of growing and grooming a beard. Eg: His pogonotrophy became a hobby he took pride in.

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Aprosexia is an abnormal inability to pay attention, characterized by near-complete indifference to everything. Eg: His aprosexia made focusing on studies difficult.

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A cacophony is a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. Eg: The cacophony of city streets made it hard to concentrate.

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