By Vivek Dubey

Published Mar 08, 2024

Ramadan 2024: WHO’s 7 essential guidelines for a healthy holy month

As Ramadan 2024 approaches, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has released seven essential guidelines to ensure a healthy and spiritual month.

Balanced Diet

Consume a balanced diet and avoid oily food. Ensure your diet is nutritious and hydrating post fasting.

Limit Salt

Be mindful of your salt intake. Add flavours with various herbs for a nourishing meal.

Stay Active

Keep exercising throughout Ramadan. This aids digestion and keeps the body fit.

No Tobacco

Refrain from tobacco consumption and vaping to maintain good health.

Healthy Cooking

Opt for steaming or baking food instead of frying. This retains nutrition.

Hydrate Well

Drink adequate water post fasting. It’s essential for maintaining good health.

Fasting Hours

 Observe the fast from dawn and break it after sunset. Traditionally, break the fast with water and dates.