4 Foods to Avoid If You Have PCOS

Producer:  Mehak Pal

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition where menstruation can be irregular or sometimes not happen at all. People with PCOS have several small cysts in their ovaries because of the abnormal number of androgens.

Here are 4 foods you must avoid if you have PCOS.

High Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in trans fats and lead to inflammation and insulin resistance. Trans fats are found in packaged snacks, fried foods, and market-made foods.

Sugary Foods

Sugar is made of half glucose and half fructose. Excessive consumption of fructose can weaken your gut and your body is unable to control insulin.

Red Meat

Red meat contains saturated fats which can spike inflammation and insulin resistance. Its excessive consumption can aggravate PCOS symptoms and inflammation.


Regular consumption of alcohol can disrupt your hormone balance and worsen your PCOS symptoms. It impacts your liver and makes you gain unhealthy weight.