Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

4 Must-have Feng Shui Items to Avoid Negativity from Home



The Chinese art of Feng Shui includes arranging objects, structures, and spaces to celebrate balance and harmony. Here are four Feng Shui items you must have at your place to ward off negativity.



Broad mirrors



Broad mirrors add the element of water to your place. Make sure to place the mirror in a direction that it can reflect light and make the room appear large.



Fresh flowers



According to Feng Shui philosophy flowers can help improve the flow of a room. They can help add colour, charm and vitality to any place.



 Square rug



Having a square rug in your living room add the element of earth. It is associated with solidity and well-being.



Good lighting



Make sure to keep windows clean as they can in more light. 



Note This is based on general information. Before adopting any measures consult an expert.