4 Rules For Buying A New House To Avoid Losses

Producer:Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

If you have recently bought a house or you are planning to buy a new one, here are some tips you need to keep in mind.

Do Not Buy A House At Crossroads Or Intersection

According to the beliefs of Vastu Shastra, the tiraha or intersection is considered to be a source of negative energy. Hence, it is believed to avoid buying a house that is located at an intersection or crossroads.

Do Not Buy A House In A Deserted Place

Buying a house in a deserted place can infuriate the planets leading to ill effects of planets on the family.

Do Not Buy A House Too Close To The River

The rivers are believed to be the source of both positive and negative energies. Therefore, buying a house close to it allows both kinds of energy to enter the house.

Do Not Buy A House In A Noisy Place

It is advised to buy a house away from noisy places like shops, markets, hospitals and railway stations because noises don’t allow peace to remain in the house.