4 superfoods to consume this winter season


By Priyanka Deshpande

Published Nov 20 2023

Indian winter foods are not only delicious but are also packed with warmth and nutrition. As the winter season begins, here are some superfoods you must indulge in.

Rich in minerals & fibre, bajra helps regulate cholesterol levels & is beneficial for high blood pressure patients.

Pearl millets (Bajra)

It also helps in preventing ageing & metabolic diseases, & lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases & prostate cancer.

Pearl millets (Bajra)

It can be consumed in combination with wheat flour or also as a substitute for rice & wheat.

Pearl millets (Bajra)

Rich in Ferulic acid, carotene, fibre & vitamins, sweetcorn is a good probiotic & aids in digestion, facilitates better metabolism & eventually weight loss. It also lowers blood sugar & cholesterol levels.

Maize (Makai)

Sweetcorn contains complex carbohydrates which provides energy for longer duration & helps prevent anemia.

Maize (Makai)

Sweetcorn contains complex carbohydrates which provides energy for longer duration & helps prevent anemia.

Maize (Makai)

Add boiled sweet corn in salads or substitute wheat flour with maize.

Maize (Makai)

A good source of copper, manganese, calcium, magnesium, iron, & selenium etc. Til seeds contains sesamin & sesamolin which have a cholesterol-lowering effect. Sesamin has been found to protect the liver from oxidative damage.

Sesame Seeds (Til)

It can be added in flour, breads, chutneys or sprinkled on salads or can be consumed in the form of til-jaggery chikki.

Sesame Seeds (Til)

Sweet potatoes are a rich source of fibre & contain an array of nutrients including iron, calcium, & selenium. It is also a good source of Vitamin B & C.

Sweet Potato

It is high in an antioxidant known as beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A once consumed. Add a drizzle of olive oil just before serving to increase your absorption of beta-carotene.

Sweet Potato

Disclaimer: This is not a medical advice. Consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

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