Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Black Turmeric

Turmeric has numerous health benefits and we all are well aware of it. Today, it is promoted as a dietary supplement for a variety of health problems.

The one which is even healthier and has numerous health benefits is black turmeric.

 It is one of the indigenous medicines of India but is rarely found. It is also highly expensive. 

The scientific name of the plant is Curcuma caesia. It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family.

 Here are some of the grave health problems which can be cured by black turmeric.

 According to the report published in PubMed Central Journal, the use of black turmeric and aloe vera cures oral cancer.

 Black turmeric helps in healing wounds. As per reports, the paste of this medicinal herb is used to eliminate the poison from the snake bite.

It contains more curcumin compounds than any other species of turmeric. It has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which cure most skin diseases. 

If the paste of black turmeric is applied to the forehead, then one can get relief from severe headaches and migraines.

Black turmeric carries numerous immunity-boosting properties. You can add it to a smoothie or juice. You can also consume it with honey.