5 Ayurvedic Ways to Cleanse Your Body

Producer:  Riya Ashok

For flavour and purifying advantages, sip lots of water flavoured with fresh herbs like mint, coriander, or cucumber.

Before going to bed, mix half a teaspoon of Triphala powder with warm water to help your digestive system get clean.

Drink a warm glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice to start your day. This encourages digestion.

Include foods that are cooling and hydrating in your diet. Choose seasonal, fresh produce like kale, cucumber, lettuce, and spinach. 

Self-massage with calming oils, such as sesame or coconut, can aid in relaxation and detoxification. 

Accept exercising as a way to stay physically fit. Since sweating is the skin's method of eliminating toxins, exercise causes you to perspire a lot.