5 Benefits of Having Curd Rice

If you want to shed those extra pounds fast, then consider adding curd rice to your daily diet.

Helps In Weight Loss

It’s not only healthier, but it also contains fewer calories as compared to other rice dishes.

A bowl of curd rice can give you a boost of energy to keep you going through the day.

Gives Energy

Curd has carbs that are broken down and digested by enzymes, providing essential energy.

This meal not only tastes good but is also a fantastic stress buster.

Stress Buster

Packed with probiotics, antioxidants and good fats, curd rice is perfect to keep stress at bay.

Curd rice is low in sodium, preventing artery constriction and high blood pressure.

Blood Pressure In Check

The with magnesium and iron offsets bloodstream salt effects effectively.

Curd is a probiotic source, promoting digestive health.

Better Digestion

Lactobacillus bulgaricus soothes the stomach, aiding nutrient absorption in the intestines.