5 benefits of making Ikigai a part of your life

Moneycontrol News July 30, 2023

Ikigai is a Japanese noun that combines the words “iki” and “gai” which translates to “life” and “value” respectively.

Simply put, Ikigai is something that gives life purpose or reason for living. It is about finding joy, discovering purpose and living a happier life.

Ikigai is the convergence of 4 areas of life: what you love, what you’re good at, what the world needs and what you can be paid for.

There are many benefits of applying Ikigai in your life. It increases motivation at work and makes it easier for you to take action.

Some studies have found that Ikigai lowers risk of disability in old age, helps in good immune functioning, and recovery from injuries.

Having a sense of Ikigai can also alleviate depression, anxiety, sadness and hopelessness.

Ikigai fosters self-acceptance, positive relationships with others and problem-solving skills.

Since Ikigai gives life a purpose, you can find yourself to be more balanced. When everything seems to be going out of control, the Japanese secret can make you feel rooted.