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5 Best Independence Day Activities For Kids

Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh | August 12, 2024

Looking for some amazing Independence Day activities that will encourage children to express their creativity while commemorating the essence of the day. Here are a few of them.

Flag Hoisting Ceremony

You can organize a flag hoisting ceremony at school. Either a group of students or teachers can hoist the flag while others can sing the national anthem in the chorus.

Flag Making

You can teach kids about the national flag's significance and let them create the national flag using coloured paper, colours, sketch pens, markers, and glue.

Independence Day Quiz

A quiz about India's Independence struggle and its leaders can also be organised at the school. Make sure to include age-appropriate questions in the quiz and offer small prizes for correct answers.

Patriotic Fancy Dress Competition

You can ask your students to dress up in the theme of Independence Day. They can either dress in the colors of the national flag or wear costumes representing our leaders.

Art and Craft Competition

You can plan arts and crafts activities that can involve students creatively. You can include activities like making tricolour bracelets, freedom fighter masks, or paper rockets.