Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

5 Best Keto-Friendly Cooking Oils

Are you confused about which oil to use while on a ketogenic diet? Here are some keto-friendly cooking oils that can help you lose weight.

Coconut oil

It is made from coconut flesh and has a low smoke point of 350°F (177°C). It can help support weight loss by boosting metabolism.

Olive oil

This oil is made from olives that are naturally rich in fat. It has several benefits, such as anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, antithrombotic, anti-mutagenic, and antioxidant qualities.

Avocado oil

It is derived from pressed avocados. It has a rich, nutty flavour that complements fried and pan-fried items.

Ghee (clarified butter)

It is made by heating butter or cream to slightly over 100°C and removing the water content through boiling and evaporation before filtering the precipitated milk solids.


Butter is a solid fat derived from dairy cream. It contains beneficial fatty acids like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which may aid in fat loss.