Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh Sep0tember 9, 2024

5 Best Waist Exercises To Burn Fat And Calories

Burning calories and losing belly fat seem tough. Here are some of the best waist exercises to burn fat and calories.

Dumbbell side bend

It targets the sides of your body, including the obliques. It tones the waist area and enhances flexibility.

Squat twists

It is a full-body exercise that incorporates a waist-twisting move which helps burn calories and strengthen your bones.

Standing leg raise

This exercise can strengthen your hips, outer thighs, and back muscles, improving your hip range of motion and stability.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks help tone your entire body. It can help boost metabolism and burn calories, reducing the fat stored around your waist.

Side plank

It is a powerhouse move for the obliques, the muscles that run along the sides of your waist. It can enhance overall core strength and improve balance.