5 Breakfast Recipes Under 200 Calories

Made with flattened rice, this popular Maharashtrian breakfast dish is liked by many.


It contains roughly 190 calories per serving.

In a hurry to reach the office? Try this quick and easy-to-make recipe.

Scrambled Eggs with Spinach

Egg, black pepper, salt, tomatoes and spinach is just what you need.

If you are on a low-calorie diet, this dish is perfect for your day.


Made with semolina, rice, curd and dal, this delight gives just 60 calories per serving.

Blend fruits, yogurt and a handful of nuts for a yummy and nutritionally balanced breakfast.


This breakfast option will keep you full throughout your busy hours.

Make buckwheat pancakes for a filling and low-calorie option.

Buckweat Pancakes

Serve the light and tender pancakes with hot chocolate.