5 Colourful Flowering

Shrubs For Garden

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Producer:  Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh

Flowering shrubs not only look gorgeous in your garden, but their flowers can fill your vases for weeks. Here are five colourful flowering shrubs you can grow in your garden.


It forms clusters of soft to deep blue flowers. This small shrub can grow up to 3 feet tall and wide.


The late spring flowers of ninebark are usually white or pink, and they are followed by showy deep pink or red seed pods in summer. 

Smoke Bush

The soft clouds of late spring to summer flowers vary from yellow to pale or deep pink, depending on the variety.


Roses are among the most beloved flowers for cutting. Placing your rose arrangement in a cool room out of direct sunlight will also help extend its life.


This densely branched shrub with glossy green leaves is known for its fragrant white or pink flowers.