5 Common Sex Injuries And How To Deal With Them

Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh

Sex-related injuries can leave you with bruises and sprains too. Here are some sex-related injuries that can be anywhere on your body.

Vaginal tears

Vaginal tears during childbirth are one thing, but lack of lubrication or forceful penetration or sharp nails can also cause them.

Bruise on body parts

Sexual acts might lead to bruising on certain areas like your breasts, buttocks, arms, or legs.

Muscle pull and strain

Muscle pull and strain are common and they can affect your intimate life.

Allergic reactions

Sometimes using a condom or other alternatives can lead to allergic reactions.


Sexual activity can lead to the spread of bacteria causing Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).


Make sure to seek medical attention if injuries are severe.