5 Common Skin Problems In Winter

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht


Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease where patients get itchy dry patches on the skin and scalp. As winter leads to dry skin, using moisturisers containing shea butter, paraffin, and glycerine helps keep the skin nourished.

Chapped Lips

In winter, the air has less humidity, which can cause chapped lips. Lips have a very thin layer of skin, and the splitting and cracking of lips can be very painful. In addition to that, it doesn’t heal quickly. You can treat chapped lips by applying lip balm or glycerin.

Dry and Itchy Patches

The most common symptoms of dry and itchy skin are scales, redness, and itching with small cracks in the skin. To cure this, you can make minor lifestyle changes like bathing in lukewarm water, and applying moisturiser before going to bed at night.


Urticaria or hives is an allergic skin reaction towards some external antigens, in which people get red, itchy welts on the skin. Its treatment includes avoiding cold exposure and using over-the-counter antihistamines.


Eczemas like Atopic Dermatitis and Asteatotic Eczemas, among others, are caused by dry skin. Occlusive moisturisers and creams prescribed by your dermatologist can help treat eczema.