5 Crazy Ways To Burn Calories And Lose Weight

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Aparna Singh

Did you know that you can burn extra calories while texting? Here are some crazy ways to burn calories and lose weight. 

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A vacation in icy-cold lands

Studies suggest that exposure to colder temperatures can boost metabolism and help burn more calories by activating the brown-fat deposits in the body.

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Simply drink cold water

Studies state that cold water can be a calorie burner as drinking it can make the body work extra hard to warm up the water to match your body temperature.

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Binge watch a comedy show

Laughing during movies can increase your metabolic rate and help burn more calories.

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Hug it out

Studies suggest that hugging someone special can help burn calories.

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Keep texting girls

A study suggests that texting about your diet, exercise, and fitness progress can keep you motivated to stay consistent in your fitness journey and achieve your fitness goals.

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