Thick Brush Stroke

5 Easy Solutions To Relieve Stress

Producer: Nishad T

Thick Brush Stroke

Stress is common in busy lifestyle and working style.

Thick Brush Stroke

This kind of mental stress happens to people across all age groups.

Thick Brush Stroke

The reason for this is because negative thoughts dominate the mind.

Thick Brush Stroke

Some measures are effective before it has a bad effect on the brain.

Thick Brush Stroke

According to WebMD, getting enough sleep relieves stress.

Thick Brush Stroke

Do meditation, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation regularly.

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Always stay in touch with your school and college friends or even your colleagues.

Thick Brush Stroke

When you get time, learn something new.

Thick Brush Stroke

Eating green vegetables and fruits will keep you mentally healthy.