5 Easy Step Recipe of Chicken Vegetable Soup

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey 



Do you like having chicken soup in winter? This soup recipe is perfect to keep yourself warm during this winter season.



Ingredients Shredded chicken 1 cup Carrot (chopped) 1 medium Peas 1/2 cup Corns 1/2 cup Salt to taste Oregano to taste Black pepper powder to taste Coriander leaves



 Step 1 Boil chicken with some salt till tender. Save the broth.



Step 2 In a separate pan, boil the broth, add the vegetables, some salt, black pepper powder, and oregano.



Step 3 Boil till vegetables turn soft.



Step 4 Add boiled shredded chicken, and cook for a couple of minutes.



Step 5 Garnish with coriander leaves. Serve it hot.