5 Easy Vegan Recipes For Beginners

Chickpeas & Broccoli Bowl

Need a quick meal? This chickpeas and broccoli bowl is for you.

For extra flavour, top it with peanut sauce.

Banana Porridge

 It is packed with omega and fibre.

Ingredients: ripe bananas, almond milk, ground nutmeg & brown sugar.

Tofu Scramble

A tasty filling seasoned with ground turmeric, cumin and nutritional yeast.

Cooking Tip: Press tofu with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.

Avocado Toast

Cut the avocado into small cubes and place them on your toast.

Top it with vegan parmesan and diced tomatoes.


A quick and tasty option that requires no special ingredients.

Drizzle some honey before serving.