5 Essential Food Habits For Monsoon Season

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Palm Leaf

Avoid green leafy vegetables

Palm Leaf

Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage and lettuce or cauliflower and broccoli retain moisture and become breeding grounds for bacteria. If not cleaned thoroughly it can lead to stomach infection.

Palm Leaf

Do not keep food in the open for more than 3-4 hours

Palm Leaf

During the monsoons, avoid eating food that has been kept in the open for 3-4 hours. Due to extreme humidity in the atmosphere, there is a risk of bacterial growth in the foods.

Palm Leaf

Avoid meats and sliced fruits

Palm Leaf

During this season, one should avoid meat, sliced fruits and foods kept outside in the open. Flies can contaminate the food by sitting on these, along with the dirt blowing in. The risk of bacterial infection will also increase.

Palm Leaf

Boil the drinking water

Palm Leaf

Make sure to boil the drinking water. Let it cool down and then drink it. This will kill all the bacteria present in the water and make it safe for you to consume.

Palm Leaf

Avoid street food

Palm Leaf

Street foods should be completely avoided during the rainy season. There is always a risk of stomach infection and getting diarrhoea or food poisoning. Also, avoid too much oily and deep-fried foods.