5 Famous Prehistoric Sites To Visit In India

Marvel at the stunning murals and architecture of the 2nd century BC to 480 CE.

Ajanta Caves, Maharashtra

It is a popular tourist destination and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

This site is believed to be one of the earliest human settlements in the world.

Bhimbetka Rock Shelters, Madhya Pradesh

These caves, inhabited for over 100,000 years, have colourful prehistoric paintings.

A city from the Indus Valley Civilisation had thrived from 2650 BC to 1450 BC.

Dholavira, Gujarat

It is said to be one of India's largest ancient sites that is still under excavation.

This Indus Valley Civilization settlement dates back to 2600 BC and 1900 BC.

Rakhigarhi, Haryana

Still mostly unexcavated, it has been a major point of interest for explorers.

Explore the ruins of one of the world's oldest centers of learning.

Nalanda University, Bihar

A hub for Buddhist studies, it attracted scholars from across the world.