Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

5 Food Fads You Should Avoid

Losing weight is not a cake walk.

It takes absolute discipline, a lot of time and sweat to shed weight substantially.

While you are on your weight loss journey, you’ll get a lot of unwanted advice, you’ll read and hear about new diets, and you’ll be tempted to try some.

While experimenting with weight loss ideas, you must steer clear of these five fads to see good results.

Juice Detox: If you are trying juice cleanse with fresh fruit juices only, you are ingesting a lot of fructose aka natural sugar. Also, juicing takes away fiber from fruit.

Cutting Calories Drastically: Most weight watchers try to go on crash diet from Day 1. This practice will bereave you from macronutrients and requisite calories.

Abandoning Carbs Completely: Complex carbohydrates are not just essential for healthy brain function, but they are loaded with dietary fiber too.

Eat Now, Exercise Later: Stay away from munching cheat meals often, thinking that you can burn the calories later in the gym. 

Expecting Immediate Results: Lastly, do not fall in the trap of ‘instant results’. You need to be consistent as well as persistent in your weight loss journey.