5 Foods To Avoid Packing In School Or Office Lunch Box

Producer:  Mehak Pal

Some foods can get smelly when packed in a lunch box. Here are five foods you should avoid packing in school or office lunch boxes.


Hard-boiled eggs, omelettes, or egg sandwiches can produce a foul smell when the lid is opened later.

Cooked Cabbage

If you want to carry it in your lunchbox, choose raw cabbage instead of cooked one. Cooking cabbage can release unpleasant odours, which may get trapped inside your lunchbox.

Mooli Ke Paranthe

Radish has a pungent smell so if you like to eat mooli ka paratha, it is best to eat while it is freshly prepared.

Leftover Fish

Reheating fatty fish like salmon and mackerel can fill the communal office microwave and the air around with a strong, unpleasant fishy smell.

Raw Onions

Packing raw onions for a side dish is not the best idea as they have a pungent smell.