5 Foods To Eat While Recovering From Food Poisoning

Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh

August  2, 2024

Fluids or oral rehydration solutions (ORS)

Replenish lost fluids and electrolytes to combat dehydration, which is a common complication of the condition.

Bland soups

You can opt for easily digestible options such as vegetable or chicken soup as they provide essential nutrients without exacerbating gastrointestinal symptoms.


Including probiotic-rich yogurt in your diet can help restore the balance of healthy gut bacteria and promote digestive health.

Cooked vegetables

Eat steamed or boiled vegetables over raw options as they are easy to digest and provide valuable nutrients.

Fresh fruits

Make sure to eat fresh and seasonal fruits as they offer hydration and supply essential vitamins and minerals without causing additional digestive distress.