5 Foods You Should Not Eat For Lunch

They are loaded with unhealthy saturated fats, sodium and empty calories.


Regular consumption can lead to potential health risks.

While it can provide quick energy boost with its high sugar content, it can also contribute to obesity.

Sugary Sodas

Opting for water, herbal tea, or a sugar-free beverage is a healthier choice to stay hydrated and focused.

These can lead to bloating. Alternative? You may choose lean proteins like grilled chicken or turkey.

Processed Lunch Meats

These can lead to bloating. Alternative? You may choose lean proteins like grilled chicken or turkey.

French fries and fried chicken, high in unhealthy trans fats, are a big No. It can leave you feeling sluggish.

Fried Foods

Opt for grilled, baked or steamed options to reduce the intake of unhealthy fats.

White bread lacks nutrients and can leave you feeling hungry again.

White Bread Sandwiches

Opt for brown or whole-grain bread as a healthier alternative to white bread.