5 Fruits to Pair with Dahi and Enjoy in Summer 

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Summer is the season of dahi. One of the most delightful ways to enjoy dahi is by pairing it with an array of fresh fruits. Here are five fruits you can pair with dahi and enjoy.


The mango's sweetness from the flesh perfectly balances out the sour and tangy taste of dahi


You can consume banana with dahi in various ways from slicing and adding as a topping to blending for that thick texture.


Apple is a perfect food to add to your dahi. The crunchy texture of the apples goes perfectly with the tangy flavours of the dahi.


Whether fresh or frozen, blueberries infuse dahi with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, enhancing its nutritional profile.


The crisp juiciness of pomegranate seeds provides a refreshing contrast to the smoothness of dahi. It is a perfect match for a wholesome breakfast parfait.