Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Habits That Lead To Loss Of Money As Per Vastu Shastra

There are certain lifestyle factors and habits that play a crucial role in defining one’s future.

Disciplined, hardworking and goal-oriented people always have a better chance of creating a fulfilling life.

Certain lifestyle habits are considered inauspicious according to Vastu Shastra.

They are said to bring negativity and loss of money into one’s life.

Waking up before or at sunrise is considered quite auspicious and brings discipline to one’s life. Vastu Shastra says that waking up after sunrise leads to a loss of money and prosperity in one’s life.

As much as saving water is considered relevant in terms of protecting our environment and natural resources, it also holds immense importance in Vastu Shastra. Wasting water or dripping water is considered inauspicious.

According to Hindu mythology, goddess Lakshmi, who is considered the lord of wealth and prosperity, likes cleanliness. If the house is not cleaned properly and has an accumulation of a lot of dirt, it is said to bring a loss of money.

As per Vastu Shashtra, cutting hair and nails on Thursdays is considered quite inauspicious. It is believed that this angers the goddess and brings financial crisis into one’s life.

Hinduism considers giving milk, curd or money to someone after sunset is inauspicious. It is believed that offering these things to someone after sunset brings financial instability and leads to a loss of money in one’s life.