5 Home Remedies To Deal With Stomach Ailments

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

Ginger Tea

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is a good source of antioxidants. You can consume ginger by boiling it in water and making ginger tea.

Chamomile Tea

Consuming the tea of the dried chamomile flower is a good way to get rid of gastric ailments like indigestion or constipation. This tea has anti-inflammatory, as well as stress-relieving properties. It also helps with bloating and cramps.

Activated Charcoal

It can be bought online or offline, while also consumed as a supplement to deal with problems like constipation and bloating.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you are suffering from gastric pain, then apple cider vinegar is a good remedy for relief. Moreover, it will help you deal with indigestion as well as other gastric symptoms.

Peppermint or Mint Leaf Tea

Mint tea can be taken if you are experiencing a gas-related health issue. Due to its antispasmodic properties, it relaxes the gastrointestinal tract muscles, releasing the trapped gases in your gut.