5 Indoor Plants For Your Study Room

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

Yellow Star

Did you know including plants in your study room can help improve concentration and focus? Here are five houseplants that you can include in your study room to improve focus and indoor air quality.

Ponytail Palm

It is a low-maintenance plant that features ponytail-like leaves. This plant can help improve indoor air quality and prevent headaches.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily is one of the best indoor plants that require minimal care. This plant not only purifies air but also improves memory.

ZZ Plant

The ZZ plant is perfect for study rooms as it is known for its air-purifying abilities. It can help improve focus while studying as well as promote a better night’s sleep.


You can plant pothos in a small container and place it on your study table. It can help increase your sense of calm and relaxation.

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus Fern is one of the common indoor plants. It acts as an excellent natural humidifier which leads to improved focus.