5 Japanese Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

5 Japanese Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin

Drinking matcha and green tea daily is part of Japanese culture. They are rich in antioxidants and can shield skin from UV damage.

You can turn green tea into a natural toner. After cooling, apply the tea on the face using cotton.

Facial massagers such as jade roller enhance blood circulation and prevent wrinkles.

To have a long-lasting effect, use a jade roller after cleansing your face and gently massage your skin.

Rice bran is another effective solution as it combats aging signs and brightens the skin.

Preparing rice bran at home is a simple process, just save the water from cooked rice.

Hot water baths are key to relaxation and skincare. Community baths like onsen and sento are common in Japan.

Steam baths are an easy way to achieve clear, radiant skin as they help clear pores.