Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Medicinal Herbs to Control Blood Sugar Levels

Diabetes is a chronic disease that is increasing at an alarming rate.

High levels of blood sugar are a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks and strokes.

Unhealthy eating patterns and increasingly sedentary lifestyles are among the reasons for the rise in diabetes.

But diabetes can be controlled by changing our habits, following a proper fitness routine and including nutritious food in our diet.

Here are 5 medicinal herbs that can help control your blood sugar levels.

Tulsi leaf

Tulsi contains several medicinal properties, which protect us from infections and many other diseases. Drinking tulsi water also helps in controlling blood sugar.

Insulin leaf

Doctors give insulin injections to control diabetes. But if you chew the leaves of the insulin plant, it will also help in controlling blood sugar levels.

Curry leaves

Curry leaves are very beneficial for our health. It has been revealed that the anti-hyperglycemic elements of curry leaves can control diabetes.

Guava leaf

Anti-hyperglycemic properties are found in guava leaves, which reduce the level of sugar in the blood. You can chew it or consume it as a juice.

Mango leaf

Many types of medicinal properties are found in mango leaves. Mangiferin is an extract found in its leaves, which lowers the level of increased glucose in our blood. Mango leaves also increase insulin.